
You will need to "do" the business

What do you have to "do"? You need to visualize wealth. You need to attract like minded wealth attractors. You need to not let naysayers distract you. Afterall, isn't that why you aren't already wealthy? All the "can't do" attitudes of the people around you? You need to "allow" them to be as they are. Don't feel sorry for them. They are choosing their own life, their own path, just as you are now choosing your path of wealth.

When you focus on the bad driving of others, you attract more bad drivers and more bad driving experiences. When you focus on the naysayers, you push away the "can do" wealth creating people. When you "allow" the bad driver to cut you off knowing that your path is clearer than it was before he did so, you attract only good driving experiences. When you "allow" the naysayers to say their piece, and politely smile knowing they said something opposite your truth, but not really hearing what they said, not letting it distract you, then you have room to attract wealth.

Now, meditate for 15 minutes. Read on if this concerns you... this is part of your "work" in the business. This is not a blank your mind, focus on your breathing meditation, but rather a focus on enjoying your new wealth with 2 or 3 or 5 of your most positive, favorite, trusted friends, family or colleagues. Some call this "day dreaming"... but this is part of your "work" in this business... so I refer to it as "meditation".

You can also dream up new friends who are positive, fun and joyful people because you will be meeting them soon. Imaging yourself vacationing with them and discussing what fun it is to "do" your business on a pristine beach in Hawaii. Afterall, discussing your business is "doing" it. And therefore, it is a tax write off too :-)

Did you meditate? You now have the freedom to take 15 minutes out to do so, so please do. This type of focused day dreaming will only attract your wealth faster. 15 minutes per day... which is also about the time you need too to "do" your new business.

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